How to Wash Bed Pillows (10 Secrets to Fresh Sleep)

How to Wash Bed Pillows, To wash bed pillows, check the care label for specific instructions. Most pillows can be washed in a washing machine using cool water and a mild detergent, then dried on low heat.

However, memory foam or latex pillows may need to be hand-washed to avoid damage.

Preparing For How to Wash Bed Pillows?

Before washing your bed pillows, there are a few steps you need to take to ensure they come out clean and fresh. Follow these guidelines to prepare your pillows for washing:

Remove Pillowcases And Protectors

The first step in preparing your pillows for washing is to remove any pillowcases and protectors. These outer layers can often be machine-washed separately according to their care instructions. By removing them before washing the actual pillow, you ensure a more thorough cleaning process.

Check For Stains And Odors

Next, take a close look at your pillows to check for any stains or odors. Stains can be treated with a pre-wash stain remover or a mixture of mild detergent and water. Allow the solution to sit on the stain for a few minutes before proceeding to wash the pillows. For odors, consider sprinkling baking soda on the pillow surface and letting it sit for about 15 minutes. Baking soda has deodorizing properties that can help eliminate unpleasant smells.

Identifying Care Labels And Manufacturer Instructions

It’s crucial to check the care labels and manufacturer instructions for each pillow. These labels provide important information on how to safely wash and dry your pillows. For instance, down or feather pillows can usually be washed in a machine using cool water and a mild detergent. However, memory foam or latex pillows may need to be hand-washed to avoid damage. Always follow the instructions provided to ensure the longevity of your pillows. By following these steps to prepare your pillows for washing, you can effectively remove dirt, stains, and odors, leaving your pillows fresh, clean, and ready for a good night’s sleep.

Preparing For How to Wash Bed Pillows
Preparing For How to Wash Bed Pillows

Washing Bed Pillows

Learn how to wash bed pillows effectively with these easy steps. Whether your pillows are down, memory foam, or latex, find out the best washing method for each type. Keep your pillows clean and fresh without damaging them by following these expert tips.

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Use Mild Detergent

When washing your bed pillows, always use a mild detergent to prevent the fabric from damage. Harsh chemicals can cause discoloration and weaken the fibers over time.

Select The Right Wash Cycle

You should always select a gentle or delicate wash cycle to avoid excessive agitation that can damage the pillows and affect their fluffiness.

Step-by-step Instructions For Machine Washing

If your pillows are machine washable, follow these instructions:

  1. Place two pillows in the washer to balance the load.
  2. Use a mild, liquid detergent.
  3. Select a gentle or delicate cycle with cold water.
  4. Run an extra spin cycle to remove excess water.
  5. Dry on a low heat setting.

Step-by-step Instructions For Hand Washing

If your pillows are not suitable for machine washing, follow these instructions for hand washing:

  1. Fill a tub or sink with lukewarm water and mild detergent.
  2. Gently hand wash the pillows, ensuring even soaking.
  3. Rinse thoroughly to remove all soap.
  4. Press out excess water without wringing.
  5. Dry in a well-ventilated area, fluffing occasionally.

Tips For Maintaining Pillow Shape And Fluffiness

To maintain the shape and fluffiness of your pillows, consider these tips:

  • Regularly fluff and rotate your pillows to prevent clumping and maintain even distribution.
  • Ensure the pillows are completely dry before use to prevent mold and mildew.
  • Use pillow protectors to extend the lifespan of your pillows and reduce the frequency of washing.
Washing Bed Pillows
Washing Bed Pillows

Drying Bed Pillows

After washing your bed pillows, it is important to dry them thoroughly to ensure they maintain their shape and prevent mildew. Here are some effective methods for drying your bed pillows:

Tennis Ball Trick

The tennis ball trick is a simple yet effective way to dry your bed pillows evenly. Place two clean tennis balls in the dryer along with your pillows. As the dryer tumbles, the tennis balls will help fluff the pillows and prevent them from clumping together.

Use Low Heat Setting

When drying your bed pillows in the dryer, it’s important to use a low heat setting. High temperatures can damage the filling and cause the pillows to lose their shape. By using a low heat setting, you can ensure that your pillows are dried gently and thoroughly.

Guidelines For Air Drying Vs. Using A Dryer

If you prefer to air dry your bed pillows, there are a few guidelines to follow. Firstly, make sure you place them in a well-ventilated area to allow for proper airflow. Secondly, turn the pillows regularly to ensure all sides dry evenly. Keep in mind that air drying may take longer compared to using a dryer, so be patient.

Use Of Dryer Balls Or Tennis Balls To Maintain Fluffiness

To maintain the fluffiness of your pillows, you can use dryer balls or tennis balls in the dryer. These balls help to agitate the pillows as they tumble, preventing them from clumping together and ensuring they dry evenly. The result is a fluffier and more comfortable pillow.

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Ensuring Pillows Are Completely Dry To Prevent Mildew

To prevent mildew, it is crucial to ensure that your pillows are completely dry before using them. Check for any lingering dampness, as even small amounts of moisture can lead to the growth of mildew over time. If needed, continue drying the pillows until they are fully dry.

Drying Bed Pillows
Drying Bed Pillows

Ensuring Cleanliness

Keeping your bed pillows clean is essential for maintaining a healthy and comfortable sleep environment. Regularly washing your pillows not only removes dirt and sweat but also helps eliminate allergens and extend their lifespan. To ensure cleanliness, follow these important steps:

Check For Residual Soap

After washing your pillows, it’s crucial to check for any residual soap. Leftover soap can lead to skin irritation and affect the overall cleanliness of your pillows. To check for residual soap, perform the following steps:

  1. Fill a basin or sink with clean water.
  2. Submerge your pillows in the water and squeeze them gently to remove any remaining soap.
  3. Continue rinsing until the water runs clear.

Inspect For Complete Dryness

Ensuring that your pillows are completely dry after washing is vital to prevent the growth of mold and mildew. Damp pillows can also emit unpleasant odors, making them uncomfortable to sleep on. To check for complete dryness, follow these steps:

  • Place your pillows in a well-ventilated area or under the sun to air dry.
  • Monitor the pillows periodically, checking for any dampness.
  • Give them a gentle squeeze to assess moisture levels.
  • If necessary, continue drying until your pillows are completely dry.

By following these steps, you can ensure the cleanliness of your bed pillows and enjoy a fresh and hygienic sleep environment. Remember to check for residual soap and inspect for complete dryness to maintain the quality and comfort of your pillows. Regular washing not only promotes better sleep but also contributes to a healthier and more revitalizing rest.

Ensuring Cleanliness
Ensuring Cleanliness

Washing Machine Vs. Hand Washing

When it comes to maintaining the cleanliness of your bed pillows, the debate of washing machine versus hand washing often arises. Both methods have their own set of guidelines, steps, as well as pros and cons. Understanding the differences between the two can help you decide which method best suits your needs.

Guidelines For Machine Washing Pillows

Machine washing pillows can be a convenient and time-saving method for maintaining their cleanliness. However, it’s essential to follow the correct guidelines to avoid damaging the pillows. Following are the guidelines for machine washing pillows:

  • Refer to the care instructions on the pillow label before machine washing.
  • Opt for a gentle cycle with warm water and a mild detergent to ensure the pillows are thoroughly cleaned without causing damage.
  • Balance the load by washing two pillows at once to prevent them from clumping.
  • Use an extra spin cycle to remove excess moisture before drying.

Steps For Hand Washing Pillows

Hand washing pillows provides a more gentle approach, particularly suitable for memory foam or latex pillows that may not withstand the agitation of a washing machine. The following steps outline how to hand wash pillows effectively:

  1. Prepare a mixture of mild detergent and lukewarm water in a large basin or bathtub.
  2. Submerge the pillow and gently knead it to ensure the detergent penetrates through the fibers.
  3. Rinse the pillow thoroughly to remove any soap residue.
  4. Gently press the pillow to eliminate excess water before air-drying it.
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Pros And Cons Of Each Method

Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of both methods can help you make an informed decision when washing your pillows.

Washing MethodProsCons
Machine WashingConvenient and time-savingPotential risk of damage if not following care guidelines
Hand WashingGentle on delicate pillow materialsTime-consuming and labor-intensive

Washing Machine Vs. Hand Washing
Washing Machine Vs. Hand Washing

Troubleshooting And Common Mistakes

When it comes to washing bed pillows, there are common issues that can arise during the washing process. Addressing these issues promptly and avoiding common mistakes can help ensure your pillows come out clean, fresh, and ready to be enjoyed once again. Let’s take a look at some troubleshooting tips and the mistakes you should avoid.

Addressing Common Issues Encountered During The Washing Process

Despite following the correct washing instructions, it’s not uncommon to encounter certain issues when washing bed pillows. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

  1. Clumping: If your pillows clump after washing, it’s usually due to inadequate drying. Make sure the pillows are completely dry before removing them from the dryer. To prevent clumping in the first place, consider using dryer balls or clean tennis balls in the dryer, as they can help fluff up the pillows.
  2. Odor: If your pillows develop an unpleasant odor even after washing, try adding a cup of white vinegar to the wash cycle. Vinegar helps eliminate odors and leaves your pillows smelling fresh. Alternatively, you can sprinkle baking soda on the pillows before washing to absorb any lingering smells.
  3. Loss of Shape: Some pillows may lose their shape after washing. To restore the shape, manually fluff and reshape the pillows while they are still damp. You can also place them in the dryer on low heat with dryer balls or clean tennis balls for additional fluffing.

Mistakes To Avoid When Washing Bed Pillows

While washing bed pillows may seem straightforward, there are a few common mistakes that can lead to unsatisfactory results. Here are some mistakes to avoid:

  • Using too much detergent: Using excessive detergent can leave residue on the pillows, making them feel stiff. Stick to the recommended amount or use a mild, liquid detergent specifically designed for delicate fabrics.
  • Overloading the washing machine: Overloading the machine can prevent the pillows from circulating and cleaning properly. It’s best to wash two pillows at a time to ensure they have enough space to move around.
  • Skipping the drying step: Properly drying the pillows is essential to prevent mold, mildew, and clumping. Always make sure the pillows are thoroughly dry before using or storing them. If necessary, run an additional drying cycle to ensure complete dryness.

By addressing common issues and avoiding these mistakes, you can ensure your bed pillows are thoroughly cleaned, fresh-smelling, and retain their shape for continued comfort. Remember to always check the care label on your pillows for specific washing instructions, as different materials may require different methods of cleaning.


Clean, fresh pillows offer better sleep and improved hygiene. Make sure to follow the care labels and choose the correct washing method. Regularly washing your pillows keeps them fluffed, clean, and odor-free. It also prolongs their lifespan, saving you money in the long run.

Clean pillows lead to a healthier and more restful sleep.

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