How to Wash Pillows in a Washing Machine?

How to Wash Pillows in a Washing Machine? To wash pillows in a washing machine, place them vertically in the washer, use a mild detergent, select the gentle cycle, and the warmest water temperature recommended on the care tag. If available, choose the extra rinse cycle to remove excess detergent.

It is important to wash two pillows together to prevent them from becoming lumpy. Ensure to dry the pillows thoroughly before using them again. Additionally, some types of pillows, such as memory foam or latex pillows, may need to be hand-washed to avoid damage.

Why Wash Pillows?

Washing pillows is an essential part of maintaining a clean and healthy sleeping environment. Over time, pillows collect dirt, oils, sweat, and allergens. Not washing pillows regularly can lead to the accumulation of dust mites, bacteria, and fungus, which can cause allergic reactions and respiratory issues. By washing your pillows, you can improve the overall cleanliness of your bedding and promote better sleep quality.

Health Benefits

Regularly washing your pillows helps eliminate allergens such as dust mites, pollen, and pet dander, which can contribute to respiratory problems and allergic reactions. Clean pillows promote better air quality, reduce the risk of allergies, and create a healthier sleeping environment.

Removing Dirt And Odor

By washing your pillows, you can effectively remove dirt, sweat, oils, and odors that accumulate over time. This not only keeps your pillows fresh and clean but also enhances their lifespan, ensuring a more hygienic and comfortable sleeping experience.

Why Wash Pillows
Why Wash Pillows

Preparation For How to Wash Pillows in a Washing Machine?

Before you start washing your pillows, it’s important to prepare them properly to ensure the best results. This preparation involves two key steps: reading the care label and removing pillowcases and covers. Let’s take a closer look at each of these steps.

Read The Care Label

One of the first things you should do when planning to wash your pillows is to check the care label. This label provides important information on how the pillows should be washed, including the recommended water temperature, detergent type, and any specific washing instructions. By following the care label, you can avoid damaging your pillows and ensure they come out clean and fresh.

Remove Pillowcases And Covers

Before placing your pillows in the washing machine, it’s crucial to remove any pillowcases and covers. These outer layers can trap dirt, sweat, and other residues, and washing them separately will ensure a thorough cleaning. Plus, removing the covers will also prevent them from getting tangled or damaged during the washing process. To remove the covers, simply unzip or unbutton them and slide them off the pillows. If there are any stubborn stains or spots on the covers, you can pretreat them with a stain remover before washing. Once the covers are off, you can move on to the next step: washing the pillows themselves.

Preparation For How to Wash Pillows in a Washing Machine
Preparation For How to Wash Pillows in a Washing Machine

Pillow Type

Pillows come in various types, and each type requires different care when it comes to washing. It is essential to understand the type of pillow you have before attempting to clean it in a washing machine. In this blog post, we will discuss how to wash down and feather pillows, synthetic pillows, and memory foam pillows.

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Down And Feather Pillows

Down and feather pillows are known for their luxurious feel and comfort. However, they require special care to maintain their quality. When washing down and feather pillows, follow these steps:

  1. Check the pillow’s care label for specific instructions.
  2. Place two pillows in the washing machine to balance the load.
  3. Use cool water and a mild detergent to prevent damage to the down.
  4. Set the machine to a gentle or delicate cycle.
  5. Add an extra rinse cycle to ensure all detergent is removed.
  6. Dry the pillows on low heat or air-dry them.
  7. Periodically fluff the pillows during the drying process to prevent clumping.

Synthetic Pillows

Synthetic pillows are a popular choice for their affordability and hypoallergenic properties. To wash synthetic pillows:

  1. Read the care label to ensure the pillows are machine washable.
  2. Place two pillows in the washing machine for balance.
  3. Use warm water and a mild detergent suitable for synthetic materials.
  4. Select a gentle or delicate cycle.
  5. Add an extra rinse cycle to ensure all detergent is removed.
  6. Dry the pillows on a low heat setting or air-dry them.
  7. Fluff the pillows periodically during the drying process to maintain their shape.
Pillow Type
Pillow Type

Memory Foam Pillows

Memory foam pillows are known for their contouring support and comfort. However, they require special care due to their dense foam structure. To wash memory foam pillows:

  1. Check the care label to determine if the pillows are machine washable. Some memory foam pillows may need to be hand-washed instead.
  2. If machine washable, place one pillow in the washing machine.
  3. Use a gentle or delicate cycle with cool or lukewarm water.
  4. Avoid using excessive detergent to prevent residue buildup.
  5. After washing, allow the pillow to air dry completely. Avoid using a dryer as the heat can damage the memory foam.
  6. Once dry, gently fluff the pillow to restore its shape and comfort.

Remember to always check the care label for specific instructions and recommendations for your pillows. By following these guidelines, you can effectively clean and maintain the quality of your pillows, ensuring a comfortable and hygienic sleep environment.

Machine-washing Process

When it comes to washing pillows in a washing machine, following the correct process is essential to ensure they are thoroughly cleaned and maintained. The machine-washing process involves several important steps, including using a gentle cycle, choosing the right detergent, loading the machine properly, adding an extra rinse, and opting for a hot water wash. Let’s explore each step in detail:

Use A Gentle Cycle

One of the most critical steps in machine-washing pillows is to use a gentle cycle. This ensures that the pillows are not subjected to excessive agitation, which can cause damage to the filling and reduce the fluffiness. By selecting the gentle cycle option on your washing machine, you can provide a more delicate and careful cleaning process for your pillows.

Choose The Right Detergent

When it comes to selecting a detergent for washing pillows, it’s important to choose a mild and gentle option. Harsh detergents can lead to residue buildup or even damage the pillow material. Opt for a mild liquid detergent that is suitable for delicate fabrics. This will ensure that your pillows are thoroughly cleaned without any negative effects.

Load The Machine Properly

Properly loading the machine is crucial to ensure an effective and balanced wash. Place the pillows vertically in the machine, allowing them enough space for movement and thorough cleaning. If your machine has a specific pillow washing setting, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the best results. This will help prevent any uneven distribution and ensure each pillow is washed thoroughly.

Add Extra Rinse

Adding an extra rinse is recommended when washing pillows, especially if they are heavily soiled or if you want to ensure all traces of detergent are removed. The extra rinse cycle helps flush out any remaining residue, leaving your pillows fresh and clean. This step can be particularly beneficial for those with sensitivities or allergies.

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Opt For A Hot Water Wash

Lastly, for a deep and thorough cleaning, opt for a hot water wash. Hot water helps to eliminate bacteria, dust mites, and other allergens effectively. However, always check the care tag of your pillows to ensure they are safe for hot water washes. If the tag instructs otherwise, follow the recommended water temperature for optimal results. By following these machine-washing steps, you can ensure that your pillows are clean, fresh, and ready for a cozy night’s sleep. Remember to always refer to the care instructions provided by the pillow manufacturer for the best results.

Memory Foam Pillows
Memory Foam Pillows

Post-washing Care

To wash pillows in a washing machine, use a small amount of gentle detergent, check the pillows after each cycle, and fluff them for optimal care. Whether you have down or feather, memory foam, or latex pillows, following these steps will help keep your pillows clean and fresh.

Proper Drying

After washing your pillows in the washing machine, it is important to ensure they are properly dried to prevent any moisture from lingering and causing mildew or bacteria growth. To dry your pillows, follow these steps:

  • Place your pillows in the dryer.
  • Set the dryer to a low heat setting.
  • Ensure that the pillows have enough space to move around freely.
  • Run the dryer cycle until the pillows are completely dry.

Fluff And Reshape The Pillows

Once your pillows are dry, fluffing and reshaping them will help restore their original shape and provide optimal comfort. Follow these steps to fluff and reshape your pillows:

  1. Gently hold the corners of the pillow and shake it to distribute the filling evenly.
  2. Using your hands, gently massage the pillow to break up any clumps in the filling.
  3. Fluff the pillow by pulling and pushing on opposite corners, allowing air to enter and plump up the pillow.
  4. Rotate the pillow and repeat the fluffing process on all sides.

Cover With Pillow Protectors

After washing and fluffing your pillows, it’s a good idea to protect them with pillow protectors. These covers act as an additional barrier against sweat, oil, and dirt, extending the lifespan of your pillows. Follow these steps to cover your pillows with protectors:

  • Select pillow protectors that are the appropriate size for your pillows.
  • Slide the pillow protector over the pillow, ensuring it covers the entire pillow surface.
  • Zip up the protector securely to keep it in place.
  • Repeat the process for all your pillows.

Important Tips

When it comes to washing pillows in a washing machine, it’s important to follow some essential tips to ensure the best results. By adhering to these guidelines, you can maintain the cleanliness and integrity of your pillows for an extended period. Here are some important tips to keep in mind:

Avoid Overloading The Machine

When washing pillows, it’s crucial to avoid overloading the washing machine. Overcrowding the machine can prevent the pillows from getting thoroughly cleaned and may even affect the balance of the machine during the spin cycle.

Check For Stains

Before washing your pillows, it’s important to check for any stains that may require pre-treatment. Identifying and addressing stains beforehand can help ensure that they are effectively removed during the washing process.

Spot Clean If Needed

If you notice any localized areas of dirt or stains on the pillows, spot cleaning can be an effective way to address these issues before placing the pillows in the washing machine. Using a gentle cleaner, carefully treat the affected areas to improve the overall cleaning results.

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Avoid Using Bleach

It’s essential to avoid using bleach when washing pillows, as it can potentially damage the pillow’s material and affect its overall quality. Instead, opt for a mild detergent that is suitable for the pillow’s fabric type.

Check Pillows For Moisture

Prior to drying the pillows, it’s important to check for any residual moisture. This can help prevent the development of mold or mildew and ensure that the pillows are completely dry before they are put back to use.

Post-washing Care
Post-washing Care

Frequency Of Washing

Keeping your pillows clean is essential for a good night’s sleep and overall hygiene. But how often should you wash your pillows? Let’s explore some general recommendations and individual factors to consider.

General Recommendations

  • For most pillows, it’s advisable to wash them at least twice a year.
  • Hybrid pillows or those with special materials may require more frequent cleaning, as per the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Regularly cleaning pillows not only helps maintain their freshness but also reduces allergens and keeps them in good condition for a longer time.

Consider Individual Factors

Factors such as usage patterns, the presence of allergens, and individual preferences can influence the frequency of washing pillows. For instance, if you suffer from allergies or skin conditions, washing your pillows more frequently, such as quarterly, may be beneficial. Additionally, pillows used for decorative purposes or occasional lounging may not require frequent washing compared to daily sleeping pillows.

Alternative Cleaning Methods

While washing pillows in a washing machine is the most common method, there are alternative cleaning methods that you can try. These methods are especially useful for pillows that are not machine washable or for those who prefer alternative cleaning techniques. Here are a few effective alternative methods to clean your pillows:

Dry Cleaning

If your pillows have a “dry clean only” label or if you prefer not to wash them in a washing machine, dry cleaning is a safe and effective option. Dry cleaning involves using chemicals to remove stains and odors from the pillows without using water. It is best to take your pillows to a professional dry cleaner who has experience in handling delicate items. They will use specialized cleaning solvents and techniques to ensure your pillows are cleaned thoroughly. Remember to check the care instructions on your pillows before considering this method.

Sunlight And Fresh Air

Sunlight and fresh air are natural and cost-effective ways to eliminate bacteria, odors, and moisture from your pillows. On a sunny day, remove your pillows from the pillowcases and place them outside on a clean and dry surface. Make sure to choose a spot that receives direct sunlight and good airflow. Leave the pillows out for several hours, flipping them occasionally to ensure all sides are exposed to the sunlight. The sunlight will help kill bacteria and freshen up the pillows. Additionally, the fresh air will help eliminate any musty odors that may have developed. Remember to avoid exposing pillows to rain or extreme heat as it can damage them.


Freezing is another alternative method to clean and refresh your pillows. Freezing can effectively kill bacteria and dust mites that may be lurking in your pillows. To freeze your pillows, place them in a plastic bag to protect them from moisture and dust. Seal the bag tightly and place it in the freezer for at least 24 hours. Afterward, remove the pillows from the freezer and let them thaw at room temperature. This method can help eliminate any odors and make your pillows feel fresh. However, please note that freezing may not be suitable for all types of pillows, so check the care instructions or consult a professional if you are unsure.

Frequency Of Washing
Frequency Of Washing


To ensure your pillows stay clean and fresh, washing them in a washing machine is a simple and effective method. Remember to use cool water and a gentle detergent for down or feather pillows to avoid damage. For memory foam or latex pillows, hand-washing is usually recommended.

Additionally, to prevent lumpiness, wash two pillows together and place them in the washer vertically. Using these tips, you can easily maintain clean and cozy pillows for a good night’s sleep.

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