How to Make Pillows? 8 Positive Steps

How to Make Pillows? To make pillows, gather fabric and stuffing material. Cut fabric into desired size and shape, sew three sides together, then stuff with material and sew the remaining side shut.

Creating your own pillows is a simple process that allows you to customize the size, shape, and texture to suit your preference. By following a few easy steps, you can craft pillows that match your decor and provide personalized comfort.

Whether you want to make decorative throw pillows for your living room or cozy pillows for your bedroom, making pillows at home is a cost-effective and rewarding DIY project. So, let’s get started and learn how to make pillows from scratch.

How to Make Pillows?

Choosing The Right Fabric

When it comes to making pillows, one crucial aspect to consider is choosing the right fabric. The fabric you select can affect the overall look, feel, and durability of the pillows. In this section, we will explore how to choose the perfect fabric for your pillows to ensure they are not only visually appealing but also comfortable and long-lasting.

Consider The Purpose Of The Pillow

Before diving into the different fabric options, it’s essential to first consider the purpose of the pillow. Are you making decorative pillows to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your living room? Or perhaps you need pillows for outdoor seating that can withstand various weather conditions. Understanding the purpose will help you select a fabric that best suits your needs.

Evaluate Different Fabric Options

Once you have determined the purpose of your pillows, it’s time to evaluate the different fabric options available. Here are some popular fabric choices along with their respective features:

Fabric TypeFeatures
CottonCotton fabric is breathable and soft, making it perfect for indoor pillows. It is easy to clean and maintain, and there are numerous patterns and colors to choose from. Additionally, if you want to know how to make pillows fluffy again, cotton can be a great choice as it can be easily plumped and reshaped.
LinenLinen fabric offers a luxurious and elegant look. It is durable, hypoallergenic, and moisture-wicking, making it suitable for outdoor or humid environments. Linen is also known for its breathability, keeping you cool during the summer months.
Polyester BlendPolyester blend fabrics are known for their durability and resistance to wrinkles, fading, and shrinking. They are an excellent choice for high-traffic areas or if you have children and pets. These fabrics are also available in a wide range of textures and patterns.
Outdoor FabricsIf you are making pillows for outdoor use, consider fabrics specifically designed for outdoor settings. These fabrics are often water-resistant, fade-resistant, and easy to clean. They can withstand exposure to the sun and various weather conditions, ensuring your pillow stay in great shape for a long time.


When evaluating different fabric options, think about factors such as comfort, durability, ease of maintenance, and the overall aesthetic you want to achieve. Consider how the fabric will complement the pillows’ purpose and the surrounding décor. By carefully evaluating different fabrics and considering the purpose of your pillows, you can ensure that your homemade pillows not only look great but also stand the test of time. Whether you’re wondering how to make pillow out of shirts or how to make pillows fluffy again, selecting the right fabric is the first step towards creating pillows that are both visually appealing and comfortable.

Choosing The Right Fabric
Choosing The Right Fabric

Measuring And Cutting

Making your own pillows can be a rewarding and enjoyable DIY project. Proper measuring and cutting of the fabric is crucial in ensuring a professional-looking finished product. Here’s how to complete this essential step:

Determine The Pillow Size

Before you start measuring and cutting your fabric, you need to determine the size of the pillow you want to make. Whether it’s a standard square pillow, a decorative throw pillow, or a custom-sized pillow, having the correct measurements is key to making a well-fitted cover.

Measure And Mark The Fabric

Use a fabric measuring tape to measure and mark the dimensions of your pillow cover on the fabric. Accurate measurements are essential to ensure that the fabric fits the pillow perfectly. Mark the cut lines with fabric chalk or pins to ensure precision.

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Cutting The Fabric

When cutting the fabric, lay it flat on a cutting mat or a smooth, clean surface. Use sharp fabric scissors to cut along the marked lines. Take care to cut the fabric with straight lines to avoid irregular edges that could affect the final look of your pillow cover.

Sewing Techniques

When it comes to creating your own pillows, sewing techniques play a crucial role in achieving the perfect end result. Whether you want to learn how to make pillows by hand or using a sewing machine, mastering the basic sewing techniques is essential. In this article, we will explore the necessary sewing tools, sewing machine settings, and step-by-step instructions for sewing pillow pieces together.

Basic Sewing Tools

To start your pillow-making journey, you’ll need a few basic sewing tools. These tools will help you measure, cut, and sew the fabric with precision. Here are the must-have items:

  1. Measuring tape or ruler to ensure accurate fabric measurements
  2. Sharp fabric scissors to cut the fabric smoothly
  3. Straight pins to hold the fabric layers together during sewing
  4. Hand sewing needles for any hand-stitching required
  5. Thread in a color that complements your fabric choice

Sewing Machine Settings

If you prefer to use a sewing machine for making pillows, it’s crucial to set it up correctly. Follow these steps to configure your sewing machine for optimum results:

  1. Thread the machine with matching thread, ensuring it is securely threaded through the machine’s various guides.
  2. Select a straight stitch or a zigzag stitch, depending on the desired finish.
  3. Adjust the stitch length to a medium setting, typically between 2.5 to 3mm.
  4. Set the machine’s tension to achieve balanced stitches. Test on a scrap piece of fabric before starting your pillow project.

Sewing The Pillow Pieces

Now that you have gathered your sewing tools and correctly set up your sewing machine, it’s time to sew the pillow pieces together. Follow these steps:

  1. Place the pillow fabric with the right sides together and align the edges.
  2. Pin the edges together, ensuring they stay aligned during the sewing process.
  3. Start sewing along one edge, using a ⅝-inch seam allowance. Backstitch at the beginning and end for extra durability.
  4. Continue sewing around the remaining sides, leaving a small opening for stuffing, typically a few inches wide.
  5. Clip the corners diagonally to reduce bulk and create sharper corners for a more polished finish.
  6. Turn the pillowcase right side out through the opening.
  7. Stuff the pillow with filling of your choice, such as polyester fiberfill or foam inserts, until the desired fullness is achieved.
  8. Hand stitch the opening closed using an invisible stitch or a ladder stitch.

By following these sewing techniques, you can create beautiful pillows for various purposes, whether it’s adding comfort to your couch or sprucing up your bedroom. Now you know how to make pillows by hand or using a sewing machine. Get creative with different fabrics, patterns, and embellishments to make pillows that reflect your unique style.

Measuring And Cutting
Measuring And Cutting

Adding Decorative Elements

When making pillows, adding decorative elements can enhance their overall look. Consider using embroidery, appliqué, or decorative trims to create unique and personalized designs that will elevate the style of your pillows.

Choosing Trim And Embellishments

Adding decorative elements to your pillows is a fantastic way to elevate their visual appeal and give them a unique touch. When it comes to choosing trim and embellishments, you have an array of options to explore. Think about the overall theme and style of your home decor, and consider incorporating elements that complement your personal taste. Whether you opt for a sleek and minimalist look or prefer a vibrant and eclectic design, there’s a decorative element out there that’s perfect for your pillows.

Sewing On Buttons Or Appliques

One of the simplest yet effective ways to add a decorative element to your pillows is by sewing on buttons or appliques. Buttons come in various sizes, shapes, and materials, allowing you to find the perfect match for your pillows. They can be strategically sewn onto pillow corners or spaced out and arranged in a creative pattern for a playful touch. Appliques, on the other hand, are decorative fabric patches that can be sewn onto pillow to create eye-catching designs.

Choose appliques that align with your interior style, whether it’s floral, geometric, or whimsical, and let your creativity run wild. Looking for an easy way to make pillows fluffy again without a dryer? Consider sewing decorative elements like buttons or appliques onto your pillows. Not only will they add a touch of elegance and personality to your home decor, but they’ll also give your pillow a much-needed fluffiness boost. Plus, sewing on buttons or appliques is a fun and engaging project that allows you to unleash your artistic side. And here’s a helpful tip:

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When sewing on buttons, make sure to reinforce them with a small amount of fabric glue or clear nail polish to prevent them from popping off over time. This will ensure that your decorative elements stay securely in place, making your pillows look fresh and stylish for years to come. Incorporating decorative elements into your pillows is much more than just an aesthetic choice; it’s a way to breathe new life into your home decor.

So, have fun experimenting with different trim and embellishment options, and let your creativity shine through. Whether you’re sewing on buttons or adding appliques, these small yet impactful details can transform your pillows from ordinary to extraordinary. Say goodbye to plain and boring pillow, and hello to a home filled with personality and charm.


Adding Decorative Elements
Adding Decorative Elements

Stuffing And Finishing Touches

When it comes to making pillows, paying attention to the stuffing and finishing touches is crucial in ensuring a comfortable and professional-looking end product. Below, we’ll dive into the key steps for selecting the right pillow stuffing, filling the pillow, and closing the pillow.

Selecting The Right Pillow Stuffing

Choosing the appropriate pillow stuffing is vital in determining the overall comfort and durability of your pillows. When selecting the stuffing, consider factors such as the desired firmness, hypoallergenic properties, and washability. Here are a few options to consider:

  • Down feathers for a plush and luxurious feel.
  • Polyester fiberfill for a hypoallergenic and easy-to-wash option.
  • Memory foam for contoured support and pressure relief.
  • Wool for natural breathability and temperature regulation.

Filling The Pillow

Once you’ve chosen the appropriate stuffing, the next step is to carefully fill the pillow to ensure an even and comfortable distribution. Avoid overstuffing, as this can lead to lumpy and uncomfortable pillows. Consider using a mixture of different stuffing materials to achieve the desired texture and support. Additionally, consider learning how to make pillow with zippers for easy access to the filling, allowing for adjustments over time to maintain the desired firmness and comfort.

Closing The Pillow

After filling the pillow, the final step involves closing it securely for a polished and professional finish. A simple and effective method involves using a blind stitch to neatly close the seam, concealing the raw edges for a clean appearance. Additionally, incorporating a zipper closure can offer convenience for removing the filling for washing or adjusting as needed. This is particularly useful when learning how to make pillows less lumpy, as it allows for easy manipulation of the stuffing to achieve a smoother and more uniform texture.

Stuffing And Finishing Touches
Stuffing And Finishing Touches

Making Custom Pillow Covers

Creating custom pillow covers is a fantastic way to breathe new life into your pillows and add a personal touch to your home decor. Whether you’re looking to match your pillows to a specific color scheme or simply want to refresh your living space, making custom pillow covers provides endless possibilities. In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of creating your own custom pillow covers.

Creating A Pattern For The Pillow Cover

Before diving into sewing the cover, you’ll first need to create a pattern. This ensures that your custom pillow covers are the perfect fit for your pillows. To get started, gather the necessary materials:

  • Fabric of your choice
  • Measuring tape
  • Scissors

Begin by measuring your pillow’s dimensions. Use a measuring tape to accurately measure the length, width, and height of the pillow. Add an extra inch to the measurements to allow for seam allowances. Transfer these measurements onto a piece of paper or cardboard to create your pattern. Cut out the pattern, and you’re ready to move on to the next step.

Sewing The Cover

Now that you have your pattern ready, it’s time to start sewing the pillow cover. Gather the following materials:

  • Fabric (prewashed and ironed)
  • Matching thread
  • Pins
  • Sewing machine or needle and thread

Place your pattern onto the fabric and use the scissors to cut out two identical pieces. Make sure to cut accurately along the edges of the pattern. With right sides facing each other, pin the two fabric pieces together. This will ensure they stay aligned during the sewing process. Using a sewing machine or needle and thread, sew around the edges of the fabric, leaving one side open for inserting the pillow. Sew the seams with a straight stitch, reversing at the beginning and end for added durability. Trim any excess fabric and clip the corners to reduce bulkiness.

Adding Closure Options

Now that your custom pillow cover is almost complete, it’s time to think about closure options. There are various closure types to choose from, depending on your preferences and the overall look you want to achieve. Here are a few popular closure options:

  1. Envelope Closure: This is a simple and popular closure option where one piece of fabric overlaps the other, creating a pocket for the pillow to slide into.
  2. Zipper Closure: For a more secure closure, consider adding a zipper. This option allows for easy removal and washing of the pillow cover.
  3. Button Closure: Sewing buttons onto one side of the pillow cover and creating buttonholes on the other provides a classic and decorative closure.
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Choose the closure type that best suits your needs and carefully attach it to the open side of the pillow cover. Make sure to secure the closure firmly, ensuring your pillow remains securely inside. With your custom pillow cover complete, you can now enjoy the satisfying transformation it brings to your living space. Making custom pillow covers not only provides a creative outlet but also allows you to express your personal style and enhance the overall ambiance of your home. So go ahead, explore different fabrics and closure options, and discover how to make pillows look nice on bed with your own unique touch.

Making Custom Pillow Covers
Making Custom Pillow Covers

Cleaning And Care

Proper cleaning and regular care are essential to keep your pillows fresh, clean, and comfortable. By following the right cleaning methods and practicing storage and maintenance tips, you can ensure the longevity of your pillows and enjoy a restful night’s sleep. Let’s explore the best ways to clean and care for your pillow.

Proper Cleaning Methods

Cleaning your pillows properly is crucial to remove dirt, dust, and allergens, thus maintaining their softness and quality. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Start by checking the care label on your pillow for any specific cleaning instructions.
  2. If your pillow is machine-washable, place it in the washing machine along with a mild detergent.
  3. Select a gentle cycle and use warm water to ensure effective cleaning without damaging the pillow fibers.
  4. Consider adding a few tennis balls or dryer balls wrapped in clean socks to the dryer to help fluff the pillows and distribute filling evenly.
  5. Avoid using fabric softeners or bleach as they can degrade the pillow’s quality and affect its fillings.
  6. Once the cycle is complete, check if your pillow is thoroughly dried. If not, repeat the drying process until it is completely dry.
  7. After drying, gently fluff the pillow and ensure there are no lumps.

Storage And Maintenance Tips

Proper storage and regular maintenance play a vital role in preserving the quality and lifespan of your pillows. Here are some useful tips:

  • Store your pillows in a cool, dry place to prevent mold or mildew growth.
  • Consider using pillow covers or protectors to shield your pillows from dust, oils, and stains.
  • Fluff your pillows regularly to maintain their shape and prevent clumping.
  • Rotate and flip your pillows every few months to distribute the wear evenly.
  • If your pillows lose their initial softness, you can try placing them in a dryer on low heat with a couple of tennis balls to restore their fluffiness.
  • Consider replacing your pillows every two to three years to ensure optimal comfort and support.

By following these cleaning and care techniques, you can keep your pillows fresh, clean, and soft. Whether you’re looking to know how to make pillows softer or how to make pillows for chairs, these methods and tips will help you maintain the quality and extend the lifespan of your pillows.

Cleaning And Care
Cleaning And Care

Personalizing Your Pillows

When it comes to making pillows, personalizing them can add a unique and special touch to your home decor. There are several ways to customize pillow to suit your taste and style. From using fabric dye or paint to adding monograms or embroidery, these techniques allow you to create pillows that reflect your personality and flair. Let’s dive into how you can make your pillows truly your own.

Using Fabric Dye Or Paint

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to add a pop of color to your pillows, fabric dye or paint can be a fantastic option. It’s an effective method for those who want to learn how to make pillows without sewing. With fabric dye, you can achieve beautiful gradient effects, while fabric paint allows for intricate designs and patterns. Simply mix and match different colors to create unique and vibrant pillow covers that will instantly liven up any space.

Adding Monograms Or Embroidery

Adding monograms or embroidery to your pillows is a timeless way to personalize them. It’s an ideal technique for those wondering how to make pillows comfortable while also adding a touch of elegance. Whether you opt for your initials, a favorite quote, or a charming design, monogramming and embroidery can turn a plain pillow into a one-of-a-kind masterpiece. You can either do it yourself if you have the skills, or seek out professional embroidery services for a polished finish.

Personalizing Your Pillows
Personalizing Your Pillows


In crafting your own pillows, you have the freedom to ensure both comfort and style. With the tips and simple steps offered in this blog, you can create personalized pieces that reflect your taste and personality. Embrace the creativity and satisfaction that comes with crafting your own pillows, and enjoy the cozy and inviting ambiance they bring to your space.

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