How to Put Pillow under Hips to Get Pregnant? Step-by-Step Guide

How to put pillow under hips to get pregnant? To put a pillow under hips to increase chances of getting pregnant, lie on your back and place a pillow under your hips. Elevating your hips after intercourse helps the sperm travel closer to the cervix, potentially improving the chance of conception.

Elevating the hips with a pillow after intercourse is a technique believed to enhance the chances of conceiving. This method aims to help the sperm travel closer to the cervix, facilitating fertilization. By understanding the proper technique for using a pillow to elevate the hips, you can potentially improve your odds of becoming pregnant.

If you’re looking for an effective, natural way to enhance your chances of conception, using a pillow under the hips may be worth considering. By following the correct procedure, you can optimize this practice for the best results.

How to Put Pillow under Hips to Get Pregnant: Step-by-Step Guide

Benefits Of Putting Pillow Under Hips To Get Pregnant

Placing a pillow under your hips while trying to conceive helps elevate the pelvic region, allowing for deeper penetration and increasing the chances of sperm reaching the cervix. This simple yet effective technique can be a helpful tool for couples trying to get pregnant.

When it comes to trying to conceive, every couple wants to maximize their chances of getting pregnant. One simple technique that can help improve your chances is putting a pillow under your hips during and after intercourse. This position has several benefits that can enhance the chances of fertilization and successful conception. Let’s explore these benefits in detail:

How to Put Pillow under Hips to Get Pregnant

Improves Sperm Placement

Placing a pillow under your hips during intercourse helps improve sperm placement. By elevating the hips, you create a downward angle that assists the sperm in reaching the cervix. This positioning helps overcome any potential obstacles and allows the sperm to swim towards the egg more effectively.

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Increases Sperm Survival

In addition to improving placement, placing a pillow under your hips also increases sperm survival. By keeping the hips elevated after ejaculation, you allow gravity to work in your favor. This helps the sperm stay inside the vagina for a longer duration, increasing their chances of survival and potential fertilization.

Enhances Cervical Contact

Another benefit of putting a pillow under your hips is that it enhances cervical contact. When the hips are elevated, the contact between the penis and the cervix is improved. This closer proximity increases the chances of successful sperm-cervix interaction, making it more likely for fertilization to occur.

By utilizing a pillow under your hips, you can improve sperm placement, increase sperm survival, and enhance cervical contact – all contributing factors to a higher likelihood of getting pregnant. Incorporating this simple technique into your fertility journey may significantly increase your chances of conception. So, why not give it a try?

Step-by-step Guide To Putting Pillow Under Hips

Discover the step-by-step guide to putting a pillow under your hips to increase your chances of getting pregnant. This helpful technique can be done using various positions and supports, such as a U-shaped pillow or a rolled-up towel, providing comfort and relaxation for the pelvic region.

Improve your fertility journey with this simple yet effective method.


Choose A Comfortable Pillow

When selecting a pillow, opt for a soft and supportive option that aligns with your body’s natural curves. A medium-firm pillow can provide the right balance of comfort and support.

Lie On Your Back

First, lie down on your back in a comfortable position. This allows for proper alignment of your body before placing the pillow under your hips.

Place The Pillow Under Your Hips

Next, gently slide the pillow underneath your hips, ensuring it is positioned evenly to provide adequate support.

Ensure Proper Support

Make sure the pillow is securely positioned to prevent any discomfort. Maintaining proper support is essential for this technique to be effective.

Stay In Position After Intercourse

After intercourse, remain in this position for 15-20 minutes to allow for optimal sperm movement and enhance the chances of conception.

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Other Techniques To Improve Chances Of Getting Pregnant

Placing a pillow under the hips after ejaculation can help increase the chances of getting pregnant. By elevating the pelvic region, it allows the sperm more time to enter the body. This technique can be helpful for couples trying to conceive.


Using Fertility Lubricants

When trying to conceive, using fertility lubricants can be beneficial. These lubricants are specially designed to mimic the natural cervical mucus, thereby aiding sperm motility and increasing the chances of fertilization. Be sure to choose lubricants that are sperm-friendly and free of harmful chemicals.

Optimizing Sexual Timing

Optimizing sexual timing is crucial for increasing the likelihood of conception. Understanding the woman’s ovulation cycle and having intercourse during her most fertile days can significantly enhance the chances of getting pregnant. Utilizing ovulation prediction kits or maintaining a fertility calendar can assist in determining the best time for intercourse.

Maintaining A Healthy Lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential for boosting fertility. It involves consuming a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and avoiding harmful habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Optimal body weight is also vital as both underweight and overweight individuals may face fertility challenges.

Tracking Menstrual Cycle

Regularly tracking the menstrual cycle is crucial for understanding the woman’s reproductive patterns. Monitoring the menstrual cycles, ovulation symptoms, and basal body temperature can provide insight into the best time for conception, thus increasing the chances of getting pregnant.

Considering Fertility Treatments

In some cases, fertility treatments may be necessary to overcome challenges in conceiving. Seeking professional assistance from reproductive specialists and considering options such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) can provide hope for couples struggling with infertility.

How to Put Pillow under Hips to Get Pregnant: Step-by-Step Guide

Common Faqs About Putting Pillow Under Hips

Placing a pillow under the hips can help increase fertility by elevating the pelvic region and allowing the sperm to stay inside the vagina longer. It’s a popular method that some believe can improve the chances of getting pregnant. However, it’s important to note that while this technique is widely discussed, there is no scientific evidence to confirm its effectiveness.

Can Putting A Pillow Under Hips Increase Fertility?

There is a common belief that putting a pillow under the hips can increase fertility. The idea behind this technique is that elevating the hips after intercourse allows for better sperm flow towards the cervix, increasing the chances of pregnancy. While there are anecdotal claims supporting this method, there is no scientific evidence to definitively prove its effectiveness. It is important to note that fertility is a complex process influenced by various factors, and placing a pillow under the hips is not a guaranteed solution.

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How Long Should You Keep The Pillow Under Hips?

The ideal duration to keep a pillow under the hips varies among individuals. Some sources suggest keeping the pillow in place for anywhere between 10 to 30 minutes after intercourse. However, there is no precise timeframe that has been scientifically proven to optimize fertility. It is advisable to discuss this technique with your healthcare provider to determine the most suitable duration based on your specific needs.

What Type Of Pillow Is Best?

When it comes to choosing a pillow to place under the hips, there are a few options to consider. Firstly, it is recommended to use a pillow that provides adequate support and comfort. A firm or medium-firm pillow is generally preferred over a soft, fluffy one, as it offers better support for the hips and pelvis. Wedge pillows, which are specifically designed for body positioning, can also be a suitable choice. Ultimately, the best type of pillow may vary depending on individual preferences and needs.

Are There Any Risks Or Side Effects?

Putting a pillow under the hips is widely considered to be a safe method with minimal risks. However, it is important to ensure that the pillow is placed securely and does not cause discomfort or strain to the body. Additionally, individuals with pre-existing medical conditions or pregnancy-related concerns should consult with their healthcare provider before attempting this technique. Overall, using a pillow to elevate the hips is a low-risk method, but it is always advisable to seek professional guidance.

Is There Scientific Evidence To Support This Technique?

While there is limited scientific evidence specifically addressing the effectiveness of placing a pillow under the hips to increase fertility, some studies have explored the impact of body positioning on sperm flow. These studies suggest that certain positions, such as the missionary and doggie-style positions, may allow for deeper penetration and closer proximity of sperm to the cervix. However, the direct correlation between placing a pillow under the hips and increased fertility is yet to be scientifically proven. It is important to approach this technique with realistic expectations and consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

How to Put Pillow under Hips to Get Pregnant: Step-by-Step Guide


Placing a pillow under your hips can be a helpful technique to increase your chances of getting pregnant. By elevating your pelvic region, you create a downward angle that can facilitate the entry of sperm into the cervix. This simple adjustment can be done using a regular pillow, a U-shaped pillow, or even a rolled-up towel placed between your thighs and knees.

By following this method, you can optimize your sexual positions and increase your odds of conception.

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