When Can Kids Have Pillows? Your Complete Guide

Children can start using pillows after the age of one, as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. It is essential for toddlers to have the ability to move freely before introducing a pillow to their bed to reduce the risk of suffocation.

The introduction of a pillow should be based on the child’s developmental milestones and sleeping patterns. As parents, it’s natural to be cautious about introducing pillows to your little ones. Many questions arise about when it’s safe and appropriate for children to start using pillows.

The decision is crucial to ensure their comfort and safety during sleep. Understanding the right time to allow your child to use a pillow will contribute to their overall well-being and development. Let’s explore the key factors and guidelines to consider before introducing a pillow to your toddler.

When Can Kids Have Pillows?

When Can Kids Have Pillows? Your Complete Guide
Credit: www.zipsterbaby.com

Children can have pillows once they are at least one year old and able to move freely. However, if your toddler is sleeping comfortably without a pillow, there is no rush to introduce one. It’s important to prioritize their safety and development before introducing pillows to their sleep routine.


When it comes to sleep, comfort is key, and pillows play a big part in providing that cozy feeling at night. But when is it safe for kids to start using pillows? Many parents wonder about the appropriate age to introduce pillows and blankets to their little ones. In this article, we will explore the answers to these questions and provide some insights from experts.

What Age Is It Safe For A Child To Use A Pillow?

According to physiotherapist Rikke Randrup Skaaning, it is generally recommended that children shouldn’t sleep with a pillow until they are at least one year old. At this age, infants have developed enough neck strength and head control to safely use a pillow. It’s important to ensure that your child can move freely before adding a pillow to their bed. If your toddler is already sleeping comfortably without a pillow, there is no rush to introduce one yet.

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When Can Babies Sleep With Pillows And Blankets?

When it comes to babies, the American Academy of Pediatrics advises against using pillows and blankets in their sleep environment until they are at least 12 months old. This is to reduce the risk of suffocation or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Instead, it is recommended to use a firm and flat mattress for the baby to sleep on. As they grow older and gain more control over their movements, you can gradually introduce pillows and blankets to their sleep routine.

Is It Safe For A Toddler To Use A Pillow?

Once your child reaches the age of one and shows signs of being able to move comfortably during sleep, it is generally safe to introduce a pillow. However, it’s important to choose a pillow that is age-appropriate and designed specifically for toddlers. Toddler pillows are usually smaller in size and offer the right level of support for their growing bones and muscles. It is also important to regularly check the pillow for any signs of wear and tear.

When Did You Start Giving Your Toddler A Pillow?

Every child develops at their own pace, so there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Some parents may choose to introduce a pillow to their toddler as early as one year old, while others may wait until they are closer to two years old. The most important factor to consider is your child’s comfort and safety. If your toddler is sleeping well without a pillow, there is no rush to make the switch.

When Did You Let Your Baby Start Sleeping With A Blanket?

Just like pillows, blankets should also be introduced to babies gradually and when they are developmentally ready. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends waiting until the baby is at least one year old before introducing a blanket to their sleep environment. In the meantime, you can dress your baby in appropriate sleep clothing or use lightweight sleep sacks to keep them warm and comfortable.

In conclusion, introducing pillows and blankets to children’s sleep routines should be done with caution and consideration for their safety and comfort. It is best to follow the recommendations of experts and wait until the child is developmentally ready to use these bedding items. Remember, each child is unique, so trust your instincts and tailor their sleep environment to suit their individual needs.

When Can Kids Have Pillows?

Choosing The Right Pillow

Choosing The Right Pillow
Choosing The Right Pillow

When it comes to selecting the right pillow for your child, it’s crucial to consider a few important factors. The pillow’s firmness, size, and material are essential for your child’s comfort and safety. Now, let’s delve into the importance of choosing the right pillow for kids.

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Importance Of Choosing The Right Pillow

The right pillow is vital for your child’s sleep quality and overall well-being. Improper pillow selection could lead to discomfort and even affect their spinal alignment. It’s essential to prioritize their comfort and provide proper support for their growing bodies.

Factors To Consider When Selecting A Pillow For Kids

  • Size: Ensure the pillow fits your child’s size and sleeping position.
  • Firmness: Select a pillow with adequate firmness to support their neck and head.
  • Material: Opt for hypoallergenic and breathable materials to prevent allergies and overheating.

Best Toddler Pillows For Different Age Groups

Age GroupRecommended Pillows
Toddlers (1-3 years)My Little North Star Toddler Pillow, PharMeDoc Little Garoo Organic Cot Pillow
Preschoolers (4-5 years)Organic Toddler Pillow by A…, Ergopouch Organic Toddler Pillow

Providing age-appropriate pillows ensures optimum comfort and support for your child’s developing sleep needs.

Introducing Pillows To Toddlers

Once your toddler is at least one year old and able to move freely, it is safe to introduce a pillow. However, if your child is already sleeping well without one, there is no need to introduce it just yet.

Ensure the comfort and safety of your little one before adding a pillow to their bed.

Signs Your Toddler Is Ready For A Pillow

If your toddler is able to move freely while sleeping and is comfortable sleeping through the night without a pillow, they might be ready for one. Additionally, if your child shows an interest in having a pillow and can understand basic instructions, these may be signs they are ready.

How To Introduce A Pillow To Your Toddler

When introducing a pillow to your toddler, switch it during a time when they are engaging positively with sleep and can adapt to the new addition. Present the pillow as a symbol of growing up and make the process feel special.

Tips For A Smooth Transition

  • Gradually introduce the pillow, starting with a smaller size to ensure comfort and safety.
  • Ensure the pillow is appropriate for your toddler’s age, adhering to safety guidelines.
  • Monitor your toddler’s response and comfort with the new pillow, making adjustments if necessary.
  • Reinforce positive sleep habits and ensure your child has a consistent bedtime routine to aid in the transition.

Remember, every child is different, and it’s essential to assess your toddler’s readiness on an individual basis. By observing your child’s behavior and making the transition a positive experience, introducing a pillow to your toddler can be a smooth and successful process.

Safety Tips For Pillows And Blankets

Safety Tips For Pillows And Blankets
Safety Tips For Pillows And Blankets

At least one year of age, children can safely start using pillows. However, it is important that they can move freely before introducing a pillow to their bed. If your toddler is sleeping comfortably without one, there is no need to introduce a pillow yet.

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When it comes to introducing pillows and blankets to young children, safety is of utmost importance. It is crucial to create a safe sleeping environment for kids, focusing on preventing suffocation and other risks. Additionally, there are alternatives to pillows for young children that can provide comfort without compromising safety.

Safe Sleeping Environment For Kids

Ensuring a safe sleeping environment is essential for the well-being of your child. Here are some tips to consider:

  1. Use a firm mattress: Choose a mattress that provides optimal support for your child’s growing body.
  2. Avoid suffocation hazards: Remove any pillows, stuffed animals, or loose bedding from the crib or toddler bed.
  3. Keep the crib or bed clutter-free: Make sure there are no toys, bumper pads, or blankets that could pose a risk of suffocation.
  4. Place the crib or bed away from hazards: Keep the sleeping area away from curtains, blinds, cords, and electrical outlets to prevent accidents.
  5. Ensure proper ventilation: Keep the room at a comfortable temperature and ensure proper airflow to prevent overheating.

Preventing Suffocation And Other Risks

To minimize the risk of suffocation and other hazards, follow these guidelines:

  • Wait until at least one year of age: It is generally recommended to wait until your child is at least one year old before introducing a pillow.
  • Choose a toddler-sized pillow: Opt for a pillow specifically designed for toddlers, as they provide proper support without being too large.
  • Ensure proper pillow placement: Place the pillow at the head of the bed, making sure it is under the child’s head and not near their face.
  • Use a thin, breathable blanket: If your child needs a blanket for warmth, choose a thin, lightweight blanket made of breathable materials to reduce the risk of suffocation.
  • Always supervise: While your child is using a pillow or blanket, ensure that they are supervised to prevent any accidental entanglement or suffocation.

Alternatives To Pillows For Young Children

If you prefer not to introduce a pillow to your child just yet, there are alternative options for providing comfort:

  1. Structured sleep surfaces: Consider using a mattress or bed with built-in support that provides comfort without the need for a pillow.
  2. Adjustable bed height: If using a crib, adjust the mattress height as your child grows to ensure optimal sleep posture.
  3. Positioners or sleep supports: Look into safe sleep positioners or supports that can provide additional comfort without the use of a pillow.

Remember, each child is unique, and their individual development should be taken into account when deciding whether to introduce a pillow or blanket. Consult with your pediatrician if you have any concerns or questions about the appropriate timing for your child. By prioritizing safety and following these tips, you can ensure a comfortable and secure sleeping environment for your child.


It is important to introduce pillows to children at the appropriate age to ensure their safety. According to experts, children should not sleep with a pillow until they are at least one year old. However, if your toddler is sleeping well without one, there is no rush to introduce it.

It is crucial for your child to be able to move freely before adding a pillow to their bed. Always prioritize your child’s well-being and consult with professionals when necessary.

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