How to Wash down Pillows? 5 Positive Ways to Wash with Care

How to Wash down Pillows? Wash down pillows in the washing machine using low-sudsing laundry detergent and the delicate cycle to prevent clumping of feathers. Fluff the pillows in the dryer with wool dryer balls on medium heat.

Properly caring for your down pillows helps to maintain their cleanliness and extend their lifespan.

Why Wash Down Pillows?

To maintain the cleanliness and longevity of your down pillows, it is important to wash them regularly. Using a low-sudsing laundry detergent and setting your washing machine to the delicate cycle will prevent soap residue and protect the feather filling.

After washing, fluff the pillows and dry them on medium heat with wool dryer balls for optimal results.

Longevity Of Down Pillows

Taking care of your down pillows is essential for their longevity. By regularly washing them, you can ensure that they remain clean, fluffy, and comfortable for years to come. Down pillows are an investment, and like any investment, proper maintenance is crucial to maximize their lifespan.

Hygiene And Allergens

Keeping your down pillows clean is not only important for their longevity but also for your health. Over time, pillows accumulate dirt, sweat, and body oils, creating a breeding ground for bacteria and allergens. Regular washing helps remove these contaminants, promoting a healthier sleeping environment. Allergens, such as dust mites and pet dander, can settle into your down pillows, causing allergic reactions and discomfort during sleep. Washing your pillows in a front load washer with gentle detergent and warm water can effectively remove these allergens, providing relief for allergy sufferers.

How Do You Wash Down Pillows In A Front Load Washer?

Washing down pillows in a front load washer is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you:

  1. Check the care label: Before washing your pillows, read the care label to ensure they are machine washable. Most down pillows can be safely washed in a front load washer.
  2. Prepare the pillows: Remove the pillowcases and pillow protectors, if any, and give the pillows a gentle shake to fluff them up. This step helps prevent the feathers from clumping together during the wash.
  3. Select a low-sudsing detergent: Choose a mild, low-sudsing detergent specifically designed for down-filled items. Avoid using fabric softeners, as they can compromise the loft and absorbency of the feathers.
  4. Load the pillows: Place your pillows in the front load washer, making sure not to overcrowd the drum. It’s best to wash two pillows at a time to maintain balance in the machine.
  5. Choose the delicate cycle: Set your washer to the delicate or gentle cycle, using warm water. This cycle helps protect the delicate feathers while thoroughly cleaning the pillows.
  6. Extra rinse: Consider adding an extra rinse cycle to ensure all detergent is thoroughly rinsed out.
  7. Drying the pillows: After the wash cycle is complete, remove the pillows from the washer and gently squeeze out excess water. Then, transfer them to a dryer set on low heat or an air-fluff setting.
  8. Fluff the feathers: Once dry, give your pillows a good fluff to redistribute the feathers evenly. This will restore their loft and ensure a plush, supportive sleep surface.

By following these steps, you can easily wash your down pillows in a front load washer, keeping them clean, fresh, and comfortable. Remember, regular washing not only promotes longevity but also helps maintain optimal hygiene and minimize allergens.

Why Wash Down Pillows
Why Wash Down Pillows

Preparing The Pillows

Washing down pillows is essential for maintaining cleanliness and ensuring a healthy sleeping environment. Preparing the pillows is a crucial step that sets the foundation for effective cleaning. Let’s delve into the essential considerations when preparing your down pillows for washing.

Reading The Manufacturer’s Instructions

Before initiating the washing process, it’s imperative to carefully read the manufacturer’s instructions for the specific down pillows. Different pillows may have varying cleaning recommendations and requirements. By adhering to the manufacturer’s guidelines, you can ensure that the cleaning process is tailored to the unique characteristics of your pillows, optimizing the results.


If your down pillows have specific areas of concern, such as stains or soiling, spot-cleaning can be an effective pre-washing step. This process involves using a gentle cleaning solution and a soft cloth to carefully dab and clean the affected areas, targeting localized dirt without requiring a full washing cycle.

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Machine-washing The Pillows

Washing down pillows in a washing machine is an effective and convenient way to keep them clean and fresh. However, it is essential to follow the right steps to ensure that your pillows are properly cleaned and maintain their shape. In this section, we will discuss the proper procedures for machine-washing your pillows.

Selecting The Right Detergent

When washing down pillows, it is crucial to choose the right detergent. Use a low-sudsing laundry detergent specifically designed for delicates. This will prevent soap residue from building up and ensure that the feathers do not clump together. It is important to use less detergent than you normally would to avoid any potential damage to the feathers. Remember, less is more when it comes to washing down pillows.

Choosing The Proper Water Temperature

The water temperature also plays a significant role in washing down pillows. It is recommended to set your washing machine to a cool or lukewarm temperature. Avoid hot water as it can damage the feathers and cause them to lose their fluffiness. Cooler water helps in maintaining the quality of the feathers while effectively cleaning the pillows.

Using The Right Cycle

When machine-washing down pillows, selecting the appropriate cycle is essential. Choose the delicate or gentle cycle on your washing machine. This cycle is specifically designed for delicate fabrics and ensures that the feathers are not agitated too much, preventing any damage to the pillow. Avoid using the regular or heavy-duty cycles, as they can be too harsh and affect the integrity of the pillow. By following these steps, you can ensure that your down pillows are thoroughly cleaned without compromising their quality. Machine-washing allows for easy and effective maintenance of your pillows, keeping them fresh and comfortable for a longer time.

Preparing The Pillows
Preparing The Pillows

How to Wash down Pillows?

Drying The Pillows

To dry down pillows after washing, gently squeeze out excess water and then place them in direct sunlight to air dry. If outdoor drying isn’t possible, find a well-ventilated indoor area. It’s important to ensure the pillows are thoroughly dry before use to prevent mold and mildew buildup.


Once you have thoroughly washed your down pillows, the next step is to dry them properly. Air-drying is one of the easiest and most natural methods to dry your pillows. Not only does it ensure that the feathers inside stay fluffy and soft, but it also helps in maintaining the overall quality of the pillows. To air-dry your pillows, follow these simple steps:

  1. Remove the pillows from the washing machine and gently squeeze out any excess water. Be careful not to wring the pillows too hard as it may damage the delicate feathers.
  2. Find a well-ventilated area in your home, preferably outdoors, where you can hang the pillows to dry. Make sure the area is clean and free from dust and dirt.
  3. Place the pillows on a clothesline or use a drying rack if you have one. Ensure that the pillows are spread out evenly to allow for proper airflow. This will help prevent any clumping of the feathers and ensure a thorough drying process.
  4. Leave the pillows to air-dry completely. Depending on the weather conditions and the amount of fill in your pillows, it may take anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days for them to dry completely.
  5. Once the pillows are completely dry, gently fluff them to restore their shape and softness. You can do this by manually fluffing the pillows or giving them a few good shakes.

Using A Dryer

If you prefer a quicker drying method or don’t have ample space for air-drying, you can also use a dryer to dry your down pillows. However, it’s crucial to follow the right steps to ensure that the feathers inside the pillows do not get damaged. To dry your pillows using a dryer, follow these steps:

  1. After squeezing out the excess water from the pillows, place them in the dryer. It’s essential to have enough space in the dryer for the pillows to move freely.
  2. Adding a few clean tennis balls or dryer balls to the dryer will help in fluffing up the pillows as they dry. These balls create movement inside the dryer, preventing the feathers from clumping together.
  3. Set the dryer on a low or medium heat setting. High heat can damage the feathers, so it’s best to avoid using it.
  4. Let the pillows dry in the dryer for a cycle, periodically checking on them to ensure they are drying evenly and not overheating.
  5. Once the pillows are dry, take them out of the dryer and give them a gentle shake and fluff to restore their shape and loft.

Remember, regardless of the drying method you choose, it’s crucial to ensure that your pillows are completely dry before using them again. Damp or moist feathers can lead to unpleasant odors and mold growth, which can affect both the comfort and longevity of your pillows. So be patient and take the time to dry them thoroughly to enjoy fresh and fluffy pillows every night.

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Drying The Pillows
Drying The Pillows

Fluffing And Revitalizing Down Pillows

Once you have washed your down pillows and ensured they are thoroughly dried, the next step is fluffing and revitalizing them to restore their original loft and comfort. Fluffing your down pillows also helps to redistribute the feathers and maintain their shape for a cozy and supportive sleep experience.

Tumbling With Tennis Balls

One effective method to fluff down pillows is by using tennis balls in the dryer. Simply place two to three clean tennis balls in the dryer along with your pillows. The tennis balls bounce around during the drying process, gently hitting the pillows to fluff up the feathers and restore their volume. This technique helps to prevent clumping and ensures that the feathers are evenly distributed throughout the pillows.

Fluffing By Hand

Another way to revitalize your down pillows is by fluffing them by hand. Gently grasp the edges of the pillows and give them a few firm shakes to loosen the feathers and increase their fluffiness. You can also knead and squeeze the pillows to help separate and plump up the feathers. Regularly fluffing your down pillows by hand can help maintain their softness and support over time.

Storing Down Pillows

To wash down pillows, choose a low-sudsing laundry detergent and set your washing machine to the delicate cycle. Fluff the pillows after washing, and dry them in the dryer on a medium heat setting with a few wool dryer balls to help maintain their fluffiness.

Using A Pillow Protector

When it comes to storing down pillows, using a pillow protector is essential. A pillow protector acts as a barrier between the pillow and the external environment, protecting it from dirt, dust, and moisture. It helps to extend the lifespan of your pillows and ensures they stay clean and fresh. To use a pillow protector, simply slip it over the pillow before placing it in the pillowcase. It acts as an extra layer of defense, preventing any dust mites or bacteria from infiltrating the pillow. Pillow protectors are made of a breathable fabric that allows airflow, ensuring the pillow remains dry and free from any musty odors.

Protecting From Moisture And Dust

Moisture and dust can be harmful to down pillows, causing them to lose their fluffiness and comfort. To protect your pillows from moisture, it’s important to keep them in a dry and well-ventilated area. Avoid storing them in damp basements or near humidifiers. Dust can also accumulate on pillows over time, affecting their cleanliness and causing allergies. To prevent dust from settling on your pillows, consider using pillow covers or cases made of tightly-woven fabrics. These covers act as a barrier and can easily be removed and washed regularly to maintain cleanliness.

In addition to using pillow protectors and covers, it’s important to clean your pillows regularly to remove any dust, dirt, and allergens that may have accumulated. Follow the proper washing instructions for down pillows to ensure they are thoroughly cleaned and restored to their optimal fluffiness. Remember, by taking the necessary steps to protect your down pillows from moisture and dust, you can ensure they stay fresh, clean, and comfortable for a longer period of time.

Fluffing And Revitalizing Down Pillows
Fluffing And Revitalizing Down Pillows

When To Replace Down Pillows

To wash down pillows, choose a low-sudsing laundry detergent and use less than usual. Set your washing machine to the delicate cycle and fluff the pillows with wool dryer balls on medium heat after drying.

Loss Of Support Or Comfort

Over time, down pillows may start to lose their support or become less comfortable to sleep on. This can happen due to the gradual breakdown of the feathers and the loss of their natural loft. If you notice that your down pillow is no longer providing the level of support and comfort that you need, it may be time to consider replacing it. When evaluating the pillow, pay attention to any visible signs of flattening or clumping of the feathers.

If the pillow no longer regains its shape after being fluffed or it feels lumpy, it is likely that the fill has deteriorated, and it’s time for a replacement. Remember that the primary purpose of a pillow is to provide adequate support for your head and neck while you sleep. If your down pillow no longer achieves this, it’s essential to invest in a new one for a restful and comfortable night’s sleep.

Unpleasant Odors

Another sign that it’s time to replace your down pillow is if it starts to emit an unpleasant odor. Over time, body oils, sweat, and dust mites can accumulate within the pillow, creating an environment that becomes less fresh and inviting. While washing down pillows can help eliminate some odors, it may not completely remove deep-seated scents. If you have tried washing the pillow following proper instructions, including using the right detergent at the recommended water temperature, and the unpleasant smell persists, it may be an indication that the pillow has reached its lifespan.

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Continuing to use a pillow with a persistent odor could be unhygienic and may compromise your sleep quality. It’s crucial to swap it out for a new one to ensure a clean and odor-free sleeping experience. Remember, down pillows are an investment in your sleep quality and comfort. While they can last for several years with proper care, knowing when to replace them is essential for a healthy sleep environment. Loss of support or comfort and unpleasant odors are key indicators that it’s time to bid farewell to your old pillow and welcome a fresh, new one.

When To Replace Down Pillows
When To Replace Down Pillows

Caring For Different Types Of Down Fill

When it comes to caring for different types of down fill, it’s essential to understand the specific requirements for each type of down pillow. Proper care not only ensures the longevity of the pillows but also maintains their fluffiness and comfort. Here’s a detailed guide on caring for goose down, duck down, and eiderdown pillows:

Goose Down Pillows

Goose down pillows are known for their luxurious softness and superior insulation. The best way to wash down pillows filled with goose down is to use a gentle, low-sudsing laundry detergent. Ensure that the washing machine is set to the delicate cycle to prevent clumping of the delicate feathers. After washing, fluff the pillows and place them in the dryer with wool dryer balls on a medium heat setting to preserve their loftiness.

Duck Down Pillows

Duck down pillows are prized for their durability and natural resilience. When washing duck down pillows, it’s essential to choose a mild laundry detergent and opt for the delicate cycle in the washing machine. After washing, carefully fluff the pillows and transfer them to the dryer, using wool dryer balls on a medium heat setting to ensure thorough and even drying.

Eiderdown Pillows

Eiderdown pillows, considered the most luxurious and rarest of all down pillows, require special attention during washing. To clean eiderdown pillows, use a mild detergent specifically formulated for delicate fabrics. Select the delicate cycle on the washing machine to maintain the integrity of the eiderdown fill. After washing, carefully transfer the pillows to the dryer, using wool dryer balls on a low to medium heat setting to preserve the delicate nature of the eiderdown.

Caring For Different Types Of Down Fill
Caring For Different Types Of Down Fill

Tips For Maintaining Down Pillows

To wash down pillows, opt for low-sudsing detergent to prevent clumping, use less than usual, and set the machine to a delicate cycle. After washing, fluff the pillows and dry on medium heat with wool dryer balls to maintain their fluffiness.

Air drying in direct sunlight is also an option for a fresh finish.

Regular Fluffing

Regularly fluffing your down pillows helps to maintain their shape and loftiness. In fact, fluffing should be done daily to prevent the feathers from clumping together and losing their resilience. To fluff your down pillows, simply give them a gentle shake and then knead them with your hands. This will redistribute the feathers and keep the pillow nice and fluffy. Remember, fluffing is a quick and easy task that can significantly prolong the lifespan of your pillows.

Avoiding Spills And Stains

Preventing spills and stains on your down pillows is crucial for their longevity and cleanliness. To protect your pillows from potential accidents, it’s advisable to use pillow protectors or pillowcases with zippered enclosures. These protective covers act as a barrier, preventing any liquid or dirt from seeping into the pillow. Additionally, it’s a good idea to avoid consuming food or beverages in bed to minimize the risk of spills. In the event of a spill or stain, it’s important to address it promptly by spot cleaning the affected area. This will help preserve the cleanliness and appearance of your down pillows.

Proper Storage

Proper storage is essential for maintaining the quality of your down pillows when they are not in use. When storing your pillows, it’s important to keep them in a cool and dry environment, away from direct sunlight and excessive moisture. Placing pillows in a breathable cotton storage bag or pillowcase will help prevent dust accumulation and maintain their freshness. It’s worth noting that down pillows should not be stored in plastic bags or airtight containers, as this can lead to moisture retention and unpleasant odors.

Regular Washing

Regularly washing your down pillows is important to remove dust, allergens, and sweat that accumulate over time. It is recommended to wash them every 6-12 months, depending on usage and personal preference. When washing your down pillows, it’s crucial to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and use a gentle cycle with mild detergent. Additionally, adding a couple of tennis balls or dryer balls to the dryer will help fluff up the pillows and restore their loftiness.

Avoid using fabric softeners or bleach, as they can damage the natural qualities of the down filling. By following these tips for maintaining down pillows, you can ensure that they remain clean, comfortable, and long-lasting. Regularly fluffing your pillows, avoiding spills and stains, and implementing proper storage and washing techniques will help preserve the quality and comfort of your down pillows for years to come.


Washing down pillows is a simple process that requires careful attention to detail. By using a low-sudsing detergent and selecting the delicate cycle on your washing machine, you can effectively clean and maintain your pillows. Don’t forget to fluff the pillows and air-dry them to ensure they retain their plushness.

Following these steps will keep your pillows clean and comfortable for a long time.

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