When Do Toddlers Use Pillows? The Ultimate Guide

When do toddlers use pillows? Toddlers can start using pillows around the age of 2, once they transition out of their crib. It’s safe and recommended for toddlers to use pillows around the age of 2, once they transition out of their crib, to make them more comfortable during sleep.

Introducing a pillow to your toddler is an important milestone in their development, as it signifies their transition from a crib to a toddler bed. Understanding when to introduce a pillow to your toddler is crucial for their safety and comfort during sleep.

The American Academy of Pediatrics and Consumer Product Safety Commission provide guidelines to ensure the safe use of pillows for toddlers. By following these recommendations, you can ensure your toddler’s sleep environment is safe and comfortable. This guide will explore the appropriate age for toddlers to use pillows, as well as provide tips on introducing pillows to your toddler.

When Do Toddlers Use Pillows?

When Do Toddlers Use Pillows: The Ultimate Guide
Credit: poppyseedplay.com

When Can Toddlers Start Using Pillows?

Toddlers can start using pillows around the age of two years old. It is important to ensure that they can move from a crib to a toddler bed before introducing a pillow.

Minimum Age For Introducing Pillows

Your child shouldn’t sleep with a pillow until they are at least one year of age. It is important to ensure their safety and comfort during sleep. Before the age of one, the risk of suffocation or SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is higher with a pillow in the crib.

Guidelines From Medical Professionals

According to medical professionals, it is generally recommended to introduce pillows to toddlers between the ages of 18 months and 2 years old. By this age, most children have transitioned from a crib to a toddler bed or a regular bed. However, parental discretion and observation of your child’s readiness for a pillow is crucial.

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It is best to consult with your pediatrician regarding the appropriate time to introduce a pillow based on your child’s individual development and needs.

Developmental Milestones For Pillow Use

While there is no specific age for all toddlers to start using a pillow, it is important to consider their developmental milestones. These milestones can indicate whether your child is ready for a pillow:

  • Sleeping without rolling over: Your toddler should be able to sleep comfortably on their back or side for extended periods without rolling onto their stomach.
  • Head and neck control: Your child should have good head and neck control, which means they can turn their head in different directions and maintain a neutral position while sleeping.
  • Comfortable in a regular bed: If your toddler has transitioned from a crib to a regular bed and seems comfortable sleeping in it, they may be ready for a pillow.

It is important to note that every child develops at their own pace, so these milestones are just general indicators. Trust your judgment as a parent and observe your toddler’s sleep habits and comfort levels before introducing a pillow.

How To Introduce Pillows To Toddlers

Introducing pillows to toddlers is recommended around the age of one year, when they can safely sleep with one. Show your child their new pillow at bedtime and let them touch and play with it to make the transition easier.

Choosing The Right Pillow

When it’s time to introduce your toddler to their first pillow, it’s essential to choose the right one. Look for a soft, hypoallergenic pillow specifically designed for toddlers. The pillow should provide adequate support to help maintain proper spinal alignment while being gentle on their delicate skin. Ensuring proper pillow size is crucial to prevent suffocation and ensure comfort, typically a small, flat pillow is ideal for toddlers.

Preparing Your Child For The New Pillow

Before introducing the pillow, it’s essential to show your child the new pillow and let them get familiar with it. Incorporate the new pillow into their bedtime routine, allowing them to touch and feel the pillow. Over time, this will create a sense of familiarity and comfort with the new addition to their bed. Talk to your child about the new pillow, emphasizing its purpose to provide support and comfort during sleep.

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Gradually Transitioning To Pillow Use

To ensure a smooth transition, introduce the pillow during naptime first, allowing your toddler to get accustomed to its presence. Slowly incorporate the pillow into their bedtime routine once they are comfortable with it during naps. Monitoring your toddler to ensure they are comfortable and safe with the new addition is crucial. If your child seems restless or uncomfortable, consider reverting to their previous sleeping arrangements and reintroduce the pillow at a later time.

Safety Considerations For Toddler Pillows

When it comes to ensuring a safe sleep environment for toddlers, pillows play a critical role. However, it’s imperative to be mindful of potential safety hazards associated with toddler pillows. From avoiding suffocation risks to selecting pillows made from safe materials and maintaining them properly, there are several safety considerations to keep in mind.

Avoiding Suffocation Hazards

Toddlers have a higher risk of suffocation due to their active movements during sleep. Therefore, it is crucial to minimize potential suffocation hazards when introducing pillows. It’s recommended to wait until the age of 2 before introducing a pillow to a toddler’s sleeping environment. Even when they start using pillows, it’s essential to ensure they are not oversized or excessively fluffy, which can pose a suffocation risk.

Selecting Pillows Made From Safe Materials

Choosing pillows made from safe materials is essential for the well-being of toddlers. Opt for pillows that are hypoallergenic, free from harmful chemicals, and specifically designed for toddlers. It’s advisable to select pillows with a firm, flat surface to reduce the risk of suffocation and ensure proper spinal alignment during sleep.

Regularly Washing And Maintaining Pillows

To uphold a hygienic sleep environment, it’s crucial to regularly wash and maintain toddler pillows. Follow the manufacturer’s washing instructions and use gentle, hypoallergenic detergents to prevent skin irritation. Additionally, inspect pillows periodically for signs of wear and tear, and replace them if they show any signs of damage.

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Common Questions About Toddler Pillows

Introduce your toddler to a pillow once they transition to a bed, usually around 2 years old. Show them the pillow at bedtime and let them touch and play with it.

What Age Is Too Early For A Toddler Pillow?

It is recommended not to introduce a toddler pillow until your child reaches one year of age. Before that age, their neck muscles may not be strong enough to support the weight of a pillow. It is important to prioritize your toddler’s safety and comfort when considering the use of a pillow.

What If My Toddler Refuses To Use A Pillow?

Some toddlers may need time to adjust to using a pillow. If your toddler refuses to use a pillow, try using a pillow with a softer, more breathable fabric or a smaller-sized pillow designed specifically for toddlers. Gradually introduce the pillow by placing it beside their bed and allowing them to explore it during playtime. Patience and persistence are key in helping your toddler adjust to using a pillow.

When Should I Replace My Child’s Pillow?

Just like adult pillows, toddler pillows also need to be replaced periodically. As a general guideline, it is recommended to replace your child’s pillow every 2-3 years. However, if you notice any signs of wear and tear, such as flattened or lumpy padding, it may be time to replace it sooner. Regularly check the condition of the pillow to ensure your child’s comfort and safety during sleep.

Are There Any Alternatives To Traditional Pillows For Toddlers?

If you are hesitant to introduce a traditional pillow to your toddler, there are alternative options available. Some parents choose to use a rolled-up blanket or towel placed under the fitted sheet to provide a slight elevation for their toddler’s head. However, it is important to ensure that the alternative pillow option is safe and comfortable for your child. Always monitor your toddler’s sleep and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

When Do Toddlers Use Pillows: The Ultimate Guide
Credit: solidstarts.com


Introducing a pillow to your toddler is an important milestone in their sleep journey. While there is no specific age requirement, it is generally recommended to wait until your child is at least one year old. However, every child is different, so it’s essential to assess their readiness.

When the time is right, introduce the pillow at bedtime, allowing your child to touch and interact with it. Remember to prioritize their safety and comfort throughout this transition. So, keep an eye on your little one’s sleep habits and make the decision accordingly.

Happy sleep, happy toddler!

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